In the morning we made it a point to wake up in time for the breakfast buffet. I'm not sure it was worth getting up early for, though. It consisted of some over cooked fried rice, odd bits of meat, some sauteed veggies, and pho. Afterward, we checked out of the hotel and went around the corner to the little guesthouse. It wasn't as big or fancy, but it was cozy and had a charming feel. For lunch we walked down the main road, past a a big green park to the Ben Thenh market. It was like most other markets, although perhaps the aisles were a bit more narrow and the vendors more pushy. They were bold enough that a few even tried to grab our arms and steer us into their stalls. That's really not a good way to convince me to buy your stuff. We quickly made our way through the clothing and fabric sections to the food area. There were a ton of different little stalls, although we had no clue what they each offered. Act as though we knew what we were doing, we wandered around the maze of "restaurants," finally choosing one at random. The owner/cook/waitress handed us a menu. It was all in Vietnamese. But not to worry! I had written out a list of a bunch of different Vietnamese dishes the night before, which I whipped out with a sense of triumph. I only found one item that matched though - a snail soup. Since I was feeling brave, I went ahead and ordered it. I'm not sure which bit was the snail - the chunk of unidentified, blotchy, crumbly stuff? Or maybe the purple sauce that smelled very strongly of a dirty aquarium? Either way, it was pretty good after I got used to it. I admit though, it was definitely an acquired taste. Chuck got a noodle dish with chicken on top which was a little more suited to a Western palate. After lunch we walked back to the hostel along some back streets that were, like most of the city, jam-packed with businesses of all sorts. Perhaps an indication of a booming economy? One can hope. For dinner we went down to a place busy with locals. The tables and chairs were sized for children, but Vietnam has a thing for small, short tables and chairs. Within 10 minutes of squeezing my butt into the tiny chair, the sky opened up and let loose a torrential downpour. Being that the restaurant was located on the corner of a busy intersection, we got to watch all the traffic going by in the rain. It was pretty entertaining. My favorite were the motorcyclists who didn't have any rain gear on, hunched over and soaking wet. Most people seemed to be smart enough to have ponchos though, which they draped over not just themselves, but as much of their motorbike as possible, leaving them with a faded blue or green or yellow headlight, depending on what color the poncho was. The rain didn't effect how they drove - they still barreled through the intersection, weaving amongst themselves. Some people ignored the lights and others even resorted to taking shortcuts down the sidewalk. Our dinner was a tasty dish I had written on my list of Vietnamese foods. It was like Vietnamese fajitas in a way, because it was an assemble-at-table dish. We were given a plate of all the ingredients: sheets of stiff rice "paper” wrappers, rice noodles, cucumber, pineapple, bean sprouts, lettuce, and the star ingredient, grilled, pepper-leaf wrapped beef. You just pile a bit of everything on the middle of a piece of rice wrapper, roll it up like a spring roll, and ingest. It was good stuff. Because of the rain, we were finished eating long before we actually went back to the guesthouse. It was close to midnight when the weather let up enough for us to hurry back and to bed.
I slept in on the morning of the 15th, whereas Chuck was awoken early by some stomach pains. I remember him waking me up briefly at some point to tell me that my Mom had decided to come to Vietnam and would be arriving in four days. She had been considering flying over for a few weeks already, but hadn't made her final decision until that point. She would need a new passport, a Vietnamese visa, and a decent, cheap plane flight, which is a lot to ask for on such short notice. The stars must have aligned themselves just right, because she found a flight, got her visa, and decided to come out. Upon hearing the news I mustered up as much excitement as I could in my unconscious state and went back to sleep. I have to admit that I was both excited and nervous about seeing my Mom for the first time in over a year. I wouldn't know what to expect. But I put that aside, deciding I'd be able to deal with it whenever the time came. It wasn't until noon that I woke up for good. I woke up to find that the AC was off and the power had gone out. We packed our stuff up, happy to be leaving the slowly warming room, and headed downstairs for breakfast before we checked out. While enjoying my raisin filled pastry and sweet, iced, Vietnamese coffee (I love their coffee...made with sweetened condensed milk) I realized that the power hadn't actually gone out - it had been turned off. As far as I could figure, the owners had shut off the power. My best guess is that they were trying to save money on their energy bill. Either that or there were mandatory electricity restrictions. This was the first time we had encountered this voluntary (or forced if that was the case) power conservation in all our travels. Usually when the power goes out in a hotel it's accidental, not intentional. But they seemed happy and content to have no electricity, so whatever. We finished breakfast, checked out, and hopped in our pre-paid taxi to the bus station. We had booked bus tickets to Can Tho the night before, and the ride to the station was included in the price. The taxi had this cute, unique feature where it would play a little song whenever the turn signal was on. It was hideously out of tune and sounded terrible, but it grew on me after a bit. I think a lot of the vehicles in Vietnam have little songs that play when turning or backing up. I'm not sure what's up with that - I guess they like music. The taxi ride was long enough that we began to wonder if we weren't being kidnapped, but after 40 minutes we pulled up in front of the big, busy bus station. Our driver jumped out and dashed to a ticket window to get the tickets, then drove us around through the maze of buses to a waiting room filled with people. Apparently we would have to wait for a few hours because the bus we had intended to catch (the one we had been told we had a reservation for) was already full. So we sat and waited. At some point it began to rain and the room got even more crowded. We watched people come and go and Chuck made the observation that they walked the same way they drove. Holding the door for someone else looked to be unheard of. If there were two people, one going out and one coming in, instead of one waiting for the other to pass through first, they would both push through the doorway past each other. There didn't seem to be a sense of awareness about the people around you and it was common to see one person pass in front of another and then just stop to look in their purse or check their cellphone, forcing the other fellow to now have to go around. It's sort of like you just do whatever you feel like without paying much attention to anyone else. This is exactly how traffic seemed to work as well. I wonder which came first? Eventually our bus pulled up. We stood up, along with the rest of the room, and squeezed our way through the door, then squeezed our way onto the bus where we were happy to find padded seats and AC. Off to Can Tho.
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